This brush is part of my range from Grooming Deluxe which is part of Kentucky's stable of products.<\/span><\/p><\/span>Please\nread the descriptions carefully. I have renamed some of the Grooming\nDeluxe Brushes to make them easier to identify.<\/p><\/span>These brushes are best suited to finer coated, clipped and more sensitive horses.
<\/p><\/span>A gorgeous anatomically shaped flick brush. The contours down\neach side of the brush make it very easy and comfortable to hold.<\/span>
A beautiful brush with a varnished wooden back. Cream coloured bristles on\noutside, surrounding dark brown and cream bristles on inside. This\nbrush has shorter, slightly softer bristles than the Chunky Flick\nBrush Hard (Body Brush Middle Hard). A nice, gentle, pampering brush.\nThis brush is more suited to fine summer coats, clipped coats and more sensitive horses.<\/span>
You will\nnotice little 'arrow heads' notched into the side of these brushes.\nThey act as grips on the varnished surface.<\/span>
None of\nthe products used in this brush contain any animal products so they\nare suitable for vegans.<\/span>
Measures\napprox 20.5cm long x 5.5cm at narrowest point. Bristles are approx\n5.5cm long.<\/span>","deleted":0,"featureImageAssetRef":1292400,"updated":{"date":"2024-08-14 11:18:56.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Europe\/London"},"ref":39070,"stockTrack":0,"stockUnlimited":0,"stockWarningLevel":0,"visibility":1,"showWeight":0,"slug":"chunky-flick-brush-soft","primaryVariantRef":337439,"multipleActiveVariantsWithUniquePrices":false,"productListAssetRef":1292400,"taxRef":null,"taxRate":null,"variants":[{"price":"22.00","productRef":39070,"ref":337439,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"1747-39070-314236","weight":"300.000","formattedWeight":"300.00","options":[],"formattedPrice":"\u00a322.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0}],"activeVariants":{"337439":{"price":"22.00","productRef":39070,"ref":337439,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"1747-39070-314236","weight":"300.000","formattedWeight":"300.00","options":[]}},"tags":[],"assets":[{"ref":71549,"assetRef":1292401},{"ref":71550,"assetRef":1292400}],"category":{"name":"Grooming Deluxe","slug":"grooming-deluxe","ref":3249},"tax":null,"formattedPrice":"\u00a322.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"multiplePrices":false,"options":[],"defaultVariant":{"price":"22.00","productRef":39070,"ref":337439,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"1747-39070-314236","weight":"300.000","formattedWeight":"300.00","options":[],"formattedPrice":"\u00a322.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0}}
This brush is part of my range from Grooming Deluxe which is part of Kentucky's stable of products.
read the descriptions carefully. I have renamed some of the Grooming
Deluxe Brushes to make them easier to identify.
These brushes are best suited to finer coated, clipped and more sensitive horses.
A gorgeous anatomically shaped flick brush. The contours down
each side of the brush make it very easy and comfortable to hold.A beautiful brush with a varnished wooden back. Cream coloured bristles on
outside, surrounding dark brown and cream bristles on inside. This
brush has shorter, slightly softer bristles than the Chunky Flick
Brush Hard (Body Brush Middle Hard). A nice, gentle, pampering brush.
This brush is more suited to fine summer coats, clipped coats and more sensitive horses.You will
notice little 'arrow heads' notched into the side of these brushes.
They act as grips on the varnished surface.None of
the products used in this brush contain any animal products so they
are suitable for vegans.Measures
approx 20.5cm long x 5.5cm at narrowest point. Bristles are approx
5.5cm long.