Haas Children's Colourful Brush Set



This set contains a Dandy Brush (small size Mane Brush with 3cm bristles), Mini Dolly, Kinderkardatsche, Schmuseburste (Cuddle Brush), Hoof Pick and Mane Comb.

I have put these sets together for owners that want a colourful set of everyday grooming brushes, but with Haas quality. 

Perfect grooming kits for those lovers of 'Matchy-Matchy'! 

These sets are great for children who want their own set of Haas brushes and also make a great set of brushes for use on miniature horses. All the brushes in this selection have elasticated hand straps. 

The first brush in this set is a brush that acts as a Dandy brush. (small size Mane Brush with 3cm bristles). Small enough for little hands, this brush will remove dried mud, dried sweat and dirt.

Mini Dolly is next in this selection. This brush has man made black bristles that are quite strong. It can be used as a tougher body brush or a water/wash brush.

Kinderkardatsche has a mixture of black and white horse hair bristles, so is a perfect miniature of Haas's grown up body brushes.

Schmuseburste (Cuddle Brush) has soft, mixed grey horse hair bristles and is perfect as a face brush and for use around more sensitive areas. 

A Haas colour coordinated Hoofpick and Mane Comb are also included.

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