UNIVERSAL BRUSH SET<\/span><\/i><\/b><\/p>\n\n\nThis 7 brush set contains Parcour, Schimmel, Cavaliere, Military, Lipizzaner, Diamond Gloss and Diva\nExklusiv.<\/b><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n\n\nThis set is the perfect solution for anyone that has too many horses! The Universal set contains the most popular Haas brushes.<\/span><\/span><\/p>MILITARY\nis the brush used on chestnut and light bay coats. This brush\nhas a strong horse hair mix of bristles that clean thoroughly,\nremoving dust, which Chestnut and Light Bay coats attract.<\/span><\/span><\/p>\nPARCOUR is the brush for dark bay and black coats. \nThis brush cleans down to the skin removing dust, grease and scurf.<\/span><\/p>\nSCHIMMEL is used to clean grey, white and light\ncoloured coats. This brush has strong coconut bristles and it is these tough, fibrous bristles that help to lift the stains out of light coloured coats. If you\nhave a sensitive horse, this brush would need to be used with care.<\/span><\/p>\nCAVALIERE and LIPIZZANER both have 2 lengths of\nbristles. (A longer outer ring of bristles surrounding shorter\nbristles). With 2 lengths of bristles the brush cleans\ndeeply into the coat whilst cleaning the top of the coat. The\nlonger bristles help to smooth the hair. Lipizzaner is a good at removing dried sweat, scurf and light\ndried mud, a strong body brush. Cavaliere, in my opinion, is more suited to removing lighter dirt\/dust.
\n\nDIAMOND GLOSS has very dense, soft horse hair bristles\nthat will remove any residue left on the top of the coat and so\nbrings up a natural shine.
\n\nDIVA EXKLUSIV has the lambswool centre and is a polishing brush that will remove\nany last tiny traces of dust off the top of the coat to give you that show ring finish.<\/span>
<\/span><\/p>If you have have mud monsters then to complete this set, add Mustang. This is the best mud remover! It is also fabulous for putting on quarter marks!<\/span><\/p><\/div>","deleted":0,"featureImageAssetRef":1056301,"updated":{"date":"2023-09-06 15:23:19.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Europe\/London"},"ref":36106,"stockTrack":0,"stockUnlimited":0,"stockWarningLevel":0,"visibility":1,"showWeight":0,"slug":"universal-brush-set","primaryVariantRef":333426,"multipleActiveVariantsWithUniquePrices":false,"productListAssetRef":1056301,"taxRef":null,"taxRate":null,"variants":[{"price":"136.00","productRef":36106,"ref":333426,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"1747-36106-291057","weight":"1520.000","formattedWeight":"1,520.00","options":[],"formattedPrice":"\u00a3136.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0}],"activeVariants":{"333426":{"price":"136.00","productRef":36106,"ref":333426,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"1747-36106-291057","weight":"1520.000","formattedWeight":"1,520.00","options":[]}},"tags":[],"assets":[{"ref":51900,"assetRef":1056301},{"ref":51901,"assetRef":1056302},{"ref":51902,"assetRef":1056303},{"ref":51903,"assetRef":1056306},{"ref":51904,"assetRef":1056307},{"ref":51905,"assetRef":1056308},{"ref":51906,"assetRef":1056309},{"ref":51907,"assetRef":1056310}],"category":{"name":"Brush Sets","slug":"brush-sets","ref":2772},"tax":null,"formattedPrice":"\u00a3136.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"multiplePrices":false,"options":[],"defaultVariant":{"price":"136.00","productRef":36106,"ref":333426,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"1747-36106-291057","weight":"1520.000","formattedWeight":"1,520.00","options":[],"formattedPrice":"\u00a3136.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0}}
This 7 brush set contains Parcour, Schimmel, Cavaliere, Military, Lipizzaner, Diamond Gloss and Diva
This set is the perfect solution for anyone that has too many horses! The Universal set contains the most popular Haas brushes.
is the brush used on chestnut and light bay coats. This brush
has a strong horse hair mix of bristles that clean thoroughly,
removing dust, which Chestnut and Light Bay coats attract.
PARCOUR is the brush for dark bay and black coats.
This brush cleans down to the skin removing dust, grease and scurf.
SCHIMMEL is used to clean grey, white and light
coloured coats. This brush has strong coconut bristles and it is these tough, fibrous bristles that help to lift the stains out of light coloured coats. If you
have a sensitive horse, this brush would need to be used with care.
CAVALIERE and LIPIZZANER both have 2 lengths of
bristles. (A longer outer ring of bristles surrounding shorter
bristles). With 2 lengths of bristles the brush cleans
deeply into the coat whilst cleaning the top of the coat. The
longer bristles help to smooth the hair. Lipizzaner is a good at removing dried sweat, scurf and light
dried mud, a strong body brush. Cavaliere, in my opinion, is more suited to removing lighter dirt/dust.
DIAMOND GLOSS has very dense, soft horse hair bristles
that will remove any residue left on the top of the coat and so
brings up a natural shine.
DIVA EXKLUSIV has the lambswool centre and is a polishing brush that will remove
any last tiny traces of dust off the top of the coat to give you that show ring finish.
If you have have mud monsters then to complete this set, add Mustang. This is the best mud remover! It is also fabulous for putting on quarter marks!